Our music program, here at OLM, encompasses many styles of Liturgical Music, expressed prayerfully. It is the goal of the Music Ministry, to encourage participation, from all who have a desire to take an active role in their prayer life. New members are always welcome! Singers and Musicians All rehearsals take place in the church. ~Adult Choir: Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings from late September through mid-June, at 7:00-8:30pm. Our adult choir sings at the 11:00 Mass on Sundays, as well as several other Liturgical gatherings. (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Confirmation, Christmas Concert, etc..) ~Children’s Choir: (Grades 3-8) Rehearsals take place on Thursday afternoons from 3:30-4:30. The Children’s Choir sings approximately twice a month at the 9:30 Mass on Sundays. Children in grade 2 are welcome to join us after they have received 1st Communion.
Rossana Neglia McLaughlin, Music Director Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Rehearsal: Wednesday
7:00-8:00 PM
Sings every Sunday at the 11:00 AM Liturgy
Grades 6 – 12
Rehearses Seasonally (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost)
Plays at the 9:30 AM Family Liturgy per season
Grades 3 - 8
Rehearsal: Thursday
3:30 PM in the Church
Sings twice a month (Sundays)at the 9:30 AM Family Liturgy
High School and above
Meet once a month and rehearsals are scheduled monthly