Would you like to share your story? The OLM Parish Newsletter is seeking submissions. Perhaps about how you are spending your summer, or about your summer vacation? Stories, reflections, recollections and pictures needed. We welcome your work! Drop submissions off at the rectory or submit online to
Christina Rossi, [email protected]
We encourage parishioners of all ages to submit articles and photos.
Christina Rossi, [email protected]
Read our
Current Newsletter
& Archives
Pope Francis, in an address on the
Feast of the Holy Family,
suggested that married couples
make good use of the words,
Thanks, and
Send in your special words,
or advice you received at your wedding
or during your marriage.
OLM Parish Newsletter
The newsletter highlights OLM’s community spirit by publishing articles written by fellow parishioners on topics covering personal interest stories, book reviews, pilgrimages, religious holidays and teachings, and parish activities including OLM Ministries, Our Lady of Mercy Academy and Religious Education program.
Here’s how you can help with the next issue:
Interested in Joining?
The newsletter staff is always looking for new members. If you would like to be part of the next OLM Parish Newsletter, please contact Christina Rossi, [email protected].